I used to be violent,but the world have taught me to be gentle and wise. The most successful people in life are always looking to pass on what they know,to bring on others in their wake.If you're not passing on your talents and skills,what are you doing with them? What great secrets have you got that demand to be withheld from the world? The Physician and translator Hunayn ibn Ishaq a syriac Christian. Accomplishments In Hunayn ibn Ishaq’s lifetime, he devoted himself to working on a multitude of writings; both translations and original works. [ 6 ] [ edit ] As a writer of original work Hunayn wrote on a variety of subjects that included philosophy, religion and medicine. In “How to Grasp Religion,” Hunayn explains the truths of religion that include miracles not possibly made by humans and humans’ incapacity to explain facts about some phenomena, and false notions of religion that include depression and an inclination for glory. He worked on Arabic grammar and lexicogra...
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